Fees & Other Costs

Attendance DuesThe Christian Schools Trust (CST)

Attendance Dues are a compulsory fee approved by the Ministry of Education and are payable to the proprietor of the school for the provision of buildings and facilities together with other property related costs as required by the Ministry of Education under the Deed of Integration.

  • 2025 Attendance dues
    Will be a maximum of $1,900 per student in 2025 (amount to be confirmed November 2024. The minimum amount charged will be $1,800 and the maximum amount will be $1,900).
  • Payments
    Are made to the Christian Schools Trust (CST) bank account 02-0874-0182984-000.  Three ways to pay:
    • Pay in full – payment is due on or before 31 August. If attendance dues are paid in full on or before 31st March, then a $50 early payment discount may be deducted from each child’s attendance dues provided there are no outstanding amounts from the previous year.
    • Pay Quarterly – payments are due on or before the following dates 31st March, 31st May, 31st August and 31st October.
    • Pay monthly/fortnightly/weekly via a payment plan by direct debit – please go to the CST website or email attdues@cst.org.nz for a direct debit form
  • Agreement
    Parents/Caregivers undertake to pay the Attendance Dues charged by the Christian Schools’ Trust, Proprietor and to give a term’s notice in writing before withdrawing their child or to pay a sum equal to one quarter of the Attendance Dues charged for a year. If in default of paying Attendance Dues all costs of collection, including debt collector fees, solicitor costs, charges and expenses will be charged to their account.

Special Character Voluntary Donation (SCD) – Middleton Grange School

  • Special Character Provision 
    One reason we are able to offer quality education is because of parental support through prayer and payment of the SCD. A key reason for choosing a Christian school is because biblical principles, taught by Christian teachers, underpin all curriculum subjects – the SCD ensures we can do this. Whilst Government financial support provides (insufficient) funding for teaching general curriculum subjects, we desire to additionally ensure students are taught biblical knowledge and can understands and engage with social issues from a Christian perspective.
  • Achievement Initiatives & General Resourcing.
    The SCD also supports staff who receive specific professional development to raise achievement for all students including eg remedial learners gifted learners, and we provide additional funding for eg libraries, ICT etc.
  • Tax Deductible
    The SCD has Tax deductible status, currently a 33% rebate. A tax donation receipt will be sent in April to cover all donations paid from 1 April to 31 March.

The Special Character Voluntary Donation will be invoiced by Middleton Grange School and can be paid:

  • Into the Middleton Grange School account (02-0874-0182976-002)
  • In full at the commencement of Term 1
  • In four instalments, one at the commencement of each term
  • In monthly or fortnightly instalments by automatic payment
One child $540 p.a Two children $972 p.a
Three children $1080 p.a Four + children $1188 p.a

School Activities – Course Costs/Contributions

Paid to the MGS bank account: (02-0874-0182976-002)

  • Some courses incur charges to recover costs where families have chosen to take up a voluntary project or activity within the course.  Details of charges are available in the course information booklets.  School Activities – Course Costs/Contributions will be invoiced by Middleton Grange School.
  • Unless we are advised otherwise, payments received will be allocated against the oldest invoice first.
  • Agreement
    Parents/caregivers agree to pay any such recoverable fees as are charged by the Middleton Grange School Board and, if in default of paying recoverable fees, all costs of collection, including debt collector fees, solicitor costs, charges and expenses will be charged to their account.