Be Involved

Here is a list of opportunities where parents, grandparents, alumni and other adult members of the community can be involved as volunteers in school life.

MGSPG – Middleton Grange School Parents Group

The Middleton Grange School Parents Group was set up as a way to involve parents and provide support in a variety of ways to the school community.

The group consists of parents of students throughout a number of year levels in the school and meets two to three times per term to plan events, discuss ways in which the school can be supported, develop fundraising ideas and also have regular speakers to come and talk about their roles in the school.

There is a small committee of people who coordinate these meetings and are key contacts for the group: Jamiee Trethowan, Janelle Rin, Maggie Smit, Louise France, Frances Lewis and James Williams.

If you wish to be involved in any way or gain information about events the group is running, fundraising opportunities or when the next meeting is, please contact Maggie Smit (Secretary) on:

Key goals of the Middleton Parents Group:
Provide parental support and a parental voice for the school in a way that brings honour and glory to God.
Support the school in a range of practical ways as well as though prayer.
Help with hosting responsibilities at key school events.
Promote and build the school community.
Assist with fundraising for the school.
Make donations to the school to cover things which are outside the school budget, but which benefit the students or improve the school environment.
Support the school by being available to assist as volunteers when required.
Support parents of the school by hosting informative parent talks.
Encourage new families to integrate into the school’s culture.
Support other parents and families of the school who are in need.

Middleton Grange Alumni

We regard our Alumni as a significant part of our Middleton Grange family and we aim to nurture this community in the years to come.

This is an opportunity to connect with each other and make an investment in helping the next generation. In order to do this, please complete the MGS Alumni Registration Form.

Events for the future will be advertised here.

Prayer Group

Come and pray God’s cover over our school community. All welcome! On FRIDAY afternoons, 2pm. Meets weekly in the room at the back of the staff room. For any questions text or phone Emmy on 021 029 13786.


Reader/Writers assist Year 7-13 students with Specific Learning Disorders (e.g. Dyslexia) in their assessments. Some students are entitled to a reader or writer only and some to a reader and writer. A list of requests is sent weekly by email to our team of volunteers who then choose a time and date to sign up for. We are always looking for more Reader/Writers to join our team. Sign up by contacting the Learning Centre.

Uniform Shop

Parent helpers assist uniform staff during normal open hours, on Second-hand Intake Days and during holiday opening hours prior to the seasonal uniform change (before Terms 1 and 3). If you are able to assist in any of these time periods, the uniform shop would love to hear from you.  Indicate your availability by popping in to the shop or emailing your contact and availability details.

Parent Coffee Mornings

Enjoy meeting with other parents over a cup of quality coffee in The Grange foyer each Friday morning from 9am (term time only). Please bring a gold coin donation to cover costs.